Flying Potatoes! Who Said Science Wasn`t Fun
Released on: April 14, 2008, 11:36 pm
Press Release Author: Steve Spangler Science
Industry: Entertainment
Press Release Summary: Steve Spangler Returns to the Ellen DeGeneres Show on Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Press Release Body: DENVER, April 11, 2008 - It looks like Steve Spangler has become somewhat of a regular guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. The Denver-based science teacher and local television personality continues to make Ellen laugh with his clever science demos. In the past, Steve shocked Ellen with 50,000 volts of electricity, shot giant rings of smoke at audience members and filled her studio with 2,500 boxes of cornstarch for the now famous Cornstarch Water Walk experiment.
His latest appearance scheduled for Tuesday, April 15th promises more fun with exploding "fire water," gooey polymers, tricks to play at the restaurant and a studio filled with flying potatoes. This is not the normal science lesson that most kids get in school. and that's part of Steve Spangler's appeal to Ellen and her show producers.
"It's not tough to make science fun for kids - what's not fun about exploding bottles of soda and learning how to make toilet paper fly off the roll. all in the name of science?", says Spangler as he gets ready to test fire one of his new potato guns for Ellen.
During his past appearances, Steve has offered this warning to the audience, "Don't try this at home. try it at a friend's home!" His non-traditional approach to teaching and making science fun is evident in nearly everything he does, and his passion for getting people excited about learning is pure and simple.
For more information about Steve Spangler, visit his blog at and his online business at
Web Site:
Contact Details: Susan Wells Steve Spangler Science 4400 South Federal Blvd Englewood, Colorado 80110 Phone 303-798-2778
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